Monday, November 23, 2015

Christmas Decoration, Christmas Eve, and Prayer Requests


Thanks for those who took tubes of paper to cut for our Christmas set. We ran out quickly...pray with me that everyone brings them back on Sunday!

Christmas Decorations and Set
We have a fun night coming up next Monday, November 30th. We will be taking the 1000s of paper leaves, snowflakes, and flowers and decorating our concourse and stage for Christmas. We will be working from 6-9PM, there will be snacks and drinks, and hopefully a whole bunch of people helping. Can you come? There will be plenty of things to do as we work to complete this ambitious and beautiful set design!

To sign up for this event, email or text Deb Farrell to let her know you will be there:


Christmas Eve
Ben and I have been plotting and planning for Christmas Eve. The teams are in place (thanks for everyone who is serving!!). The question is- how many people can we get to Crossroads to hear the message of hope and a Savior? The answer is- as many as we invite! Start thinking about who you can invite to Christmas Eve. 

We will be having lots of music this time around, an original Mary/Joseph video and a my story from one of our members, plus extra performances in the parking lot and concourse! And of course we'll have a beautiful candlelight moment just right for celebrating Christmas together.

What would happen if we all stepped up and invited just 1 person to a Christmas Eve service? I would like to find out!

Christmas Eve is Thursday December 24th, 4, 6, and 8 PM, and also our laid back 11 PM Carols and Candlelight service for those that like to do it that way. New this year- childcare for all 3 of the production services (we didn't have it at the 8PM last year).

Would you support our team in prayer this week?

-Don Winslow our lighting director badly injured his finger last week and will most likely be having surgery to repair it this week. Please pray for quick healing and no pain.
-Continue to pray for Lucy Hagedorn and her family at the loss of her dad.
-Jack Reed's wife, Barb, continues to struggle with cancer and other health issues including internal bleeding. She may need surgery again soon. Please pray for complete healing and peace for her and Jack.
-Pray for our teams as we head into the Christmas season, that we will do our best in serving, that our efforts will bring people closer to Christ, and that we will see incredible growth at Crossroads, spiritually and numerically.
-We are in need of 4-5 new camera operators and 2 media computer operators. A couple names have already come in. Pray that more will be found so we can have complete teams for ministry!

I think we should continue to support each other in prayer. If there is something you would like the team to pray for, please let me know. Let's do this for each other and our church!

THANKS, as always, for serving. I'm excited to see new people joining our teams, the scheduling is going very well, and we have produced some amazing services lately. Let's keep it up and see what God will do through us in the coming months. JIM

Monday, November 9, 2015

Critical need on our team and how you can help


Hope this Monday finds you well. I wanted to say thanks again for all you do to serve the Lord at Crossroads. Each week makes a difference in someone's life- you are a part of that!

I'd like to talk to you briefly about two holes in our tech roster:

Camera Operators
We are short 4-5 camera operators, we are very thin in this team. Camera operators need to have the ability to focus on their task and take direction from the Video Operator.

Media Computer Operator
We need 2-3 more media computer operators. For this position, it's important to have some general computer knowledge and an ability to listen/focus on music and speaking to get smooth transitions.

Ben and I are in high alert mode and are looking for people who could serve. But that's two people looking. Could I ask you to think of anyone YOU might know who would be good for these positions?  We love to connect with new people and plug them into ministry, but we're also happy to find people who have been coming for a while and haven't found their sweet spot yet. These positions are also great for high school students who want to serve.

Will you help us look so we can fill this need on our team? If you give us names and a phone number or email address, we'll do the rest. Or, and this may be even simpler, just ask someone you think might fill one of these positions to show up with you when you serve, and we'll have them shadow a camera or media operator that day.

THANKS for your help, JIM

PS- grab some Creative Arts Team cards in the green room, they are great for passing out to interested people, and they have my contact info on them...easy!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Times and Seasons

Dear Friends,

I was thinking about one of my earlier ministries the other day, and a pastor I worked with named Tommy. Tommy and I served at a church in downtown NYC. We helped our congregation through the events of 9/11, among other things. We also ran a marathon together!

When it was time for Lisa and I to leave NYC, Tommy understood right away. He told me something important that has always stuck with me. He said there are seasons to life, and to ministry, and that we needed to discern when seasons change. Later that same teaching came up at a Leadership Summit with Bill Hybels.

What kind of season are we in at Crossroads Church? What about our Creative Team? It's important to understand the times and the seasons so we know how to pray and serve effectively.

Crossroads has been in a season of transition over the last few years, particularly among the staff. I have to tell you I've been very impressed with the men and women Pastor John has assembled, but I know most of us are new- it's been a time of transition. New staff bring new ideas, personalities, and ways of doing things, and that means Crossroads has been in a season of change. I'll bet for those of you who have been here a while, it's been somewhat unsettling. I want you to know I understand that.

In Creative Arts, we now have a complete turnaround of staff. Over the last year, I've been blogging, talking, and videotaping to you regarding our team, our values, and how I see the future of our team developing. As we move into the next season for Creative Arts, I'll be leading our new staff and the teams to more deeply reflect and practice those values so we can be ready for growth, new campuses, and to be more effective in worship and outreach.

Over the next few months, I'll be communicating more about our future, and I'll share with you the reasons behind any changes we make. The Creative Arts staff isn't interested in turning everything upside down...I hope no one feels that way! But I'm sure most of you have noticed some differences in how we lead. Things like tightening up our scheduling, getting songs and charts out earlier, expecting attendance at Thursday rehearsals, and earlier call times on Sunday for tech are changes we are making to help us be the best team we can be. We are requiring more from ourselves too, of course. Many of these changes mean more work for us, but we are committed to serving everyone on the team to the best of our ability.

Thanks for sticking with the team through this season of transition. Thanks for praying for Crossroads and our team when God brings it to mind. Thanks for your sacrifice of time and talent each week that you serve. You are making an impact for the Kingdom of God!


PS- one more thing. Let us know how it's going. If you have a concern or a frustration, please let us know. If you have an encouragement let us know that too. We'll be happy to listen. Let's move forward together, not forgetting to have fun and enjoy our ministry!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fall Fun and Training Day Resources


Our fall season is underway at Crossroads. We had a great outdoor event yesterday with The Kickoff, and we are gearing up for 3 more message series' this year: Skeptics Wanted, Home ReModeled, and Times and Seasons.

Thank you to all who are continuing to serve, and who are responding to our training day sessions by getting more into Planning Center Online. We are in a new season of ministry with a fresh commitment to be timely and prepared, both as a staff and as a volunteer team. Thanks for stepping up, I know the next few months are going to be fun!

I wanted to let everyone know that the resources we have from the training day are now available here:

Unfortunately we weren't able to record everything that happened, but in the folders above you will find some video, some written material, and links to various resources. If you did not get to attend the Training Day, please take some time to view the video and notes from the main sessions, and any material that might be in your team's breakout folder.

Also a reminder to the tech team- we are now at a new call time for Sundays: 7:30, just like the band, vocals, and audio tech. Thanks in advance for honoring this new call time as we raise our game on Sundays.

Finally- it's time to find more members for our teams! We are especially needing media computer operators, lighting console operators, camera operators, male singers, an extra bass player, and an extra drummer. If you did not yet pick up the Creative Arts invite cards, there are some in the green room. Pass them out! Together we can make our team strong. Who do you know that might enjoy ministry with our team? Get them a card and a personal invite..we'll do the rest on staff.

THANKS for all you are doing, and keep it up! It's not a club, or a fad, or something we do when nothing else is going on. Our teams produce excellent and compelling services that honor God and attract people with passionate worship. There are souls at stake, so keep fighting the good fight and don't give up in doing good- we are making a difference in the world! JIM

Monday, August 17, 2015

Why What We Do Matters- Creative Arts Training Day


I'm really excited about our upcoming Training Day after church on August 23rd. A little over a year ago when I joined the staff at Crossroads, I knew we would need to develop an annual "get together" as part of our strategy to build community and equipping into the fabric of our team, but with staff transitions I knew it wasn't going to happen right away. Thankfully, the right time is now!

Some of you might remember our first gathering- not a training day, but we did get together last November and I shared some of my heart with the team. I talked for 40 minutes! Ha! I have a video if you missed it ;).

I promise- no 40 minute speeches this time around. We are working hard as a staff to make sure our gathering is fun, informative, and useful for preparing us for our next Season of ministry.

But there was a reason I spoke for so long...

Let me ask you a question- given that our facility would support a congregation 3 times the size of our current Sunday attendance, do you think it's OK to continue to do ministry the same way we've been doing it with a congregation of our current size? My answer to that question is NO...and here's why: there are 1000s of people within 20 miles of our church who do not know Jesus and have no church community to call home. Friends, our job is not done. We cannot be content with business as usual when there are so many people who need to understand the love of Christ.

That's why it's important to improve our game. What can we do better? What changes can we make that will help Sundays be the best, most interesting and impactful moment of the week for those who come?

Sometimes we can have a chip on our shoulder when it comes to learning new things, or improving our performance. We think we're doing just fine. We have a certain groove and don't want it disrupted. We are suspicious or adverse to change. We simply don't want somebody else telling us what to do.

I want to humbly ask us all to set those kinds of attitudes aside, and come to our training day with open hearts and minds, ready to learn and grow.

I will not, and cannot believe that God's plan for Crossroads is to minister to 1/3 of the people we are capable of ministering to. So let's role up our sleeves, improve our game, and trust God for a new adventure. JIM

PS- It's not all about numbers, but numbers can be useful as a gauge of our effectiveness. Be encouraged- It's hard to see this in the summer, but our Sunday morning attendance is consistently up by around 10 percent over last we are already on the move at Crossroads!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Summer Prep

As we head into the summer months, I can see that our team is strong. We continue to provide excellent services to the Crossroads community each week. From many of you I can sense an excitement and fulfillment when you are serving. The scheduling is pushed out 3-4 weeks in advance, giving us time to replace volunteers that cannot serve, and giving you time to prepare. We continue to search for a worship and programming director- there is no doubt that this key position is vital if we wish to move forward in many areas. Please pray for me and the interview team as we consider potential candidates.

There are some honest comments and some challenges you might not have considered below. I hope no one is offended. But it's my role to look at the team, look at the future, and make sure we are ready. In many areas we are. In some we need to step up.

I dream of a day when people have to get to Crossroads early to find a seat, and every week people are coming to Christ. We only have one lifetime in which to make a difference, to touch other lives and influence them for good. I take that opportunity very seriously when it comes to what we do as a team.

Believe me, I know we're all more busy than ever. Family is so important. Work and other responsibilities take up our time. The last thing I want to do for any of us is put us under a guilt trip or make unreasonable demands. On the other hand, I know you believe in the mission and vision of Crossroads and our team, otherwise you wouldn't give up some of your precious time to serve. So my goal is to make the best of that time! I promise to work hard for you, to give you the tools you need to maximize your volunteer opportunities. That said, here is what I think we need to work on as a team if we want to do our job well going forward:

Preparedness: For music, I'd ask that everyone looks at the songs in advance and learns their parts ahead of the Thursday rehearsal. I'm being honest here- some are and some aren't so much, or enough. We will honor God and the team if we take the time in advance to prepare. Scheduling and charting in advance gives you a wonderful advantage in this area. If you know you have busy weeks ahead, learn your parts early so you don't get caught later. For tech this means coming on time (7:45AM) on Sunday, checking through the service and your equipment, and remaining focused and on point during the dress rehearsal and services. Those of us that serve on the consoles (media, video switcher, lighting) should be checking out the service order in advance of Sunday to make sure we know what's going on and familiarize ourselves with the order of elements and our parts.

Tech volunteers: Tech is in need of more volunteers. I'm looking for people and following up every lead, but I'm just one person. This is our team, it's up to all of us to make it better! Do you have a friend or family member that might enjoy tech? Let me know, I'll do the legwork!

Summer schedule: I've already heard from a few of you that summer is spotty in terms of scheduling because of vacations, traveling, etc. Guess what- it is for me too! I've got summer plans, vacation, etc...But...our responsibility as a team to provide excellent and inspiring services continues through the summer. It's possible you haven't thought of your scheduling this way before, but I want to challenge you to intentionally carve out weekends to serve in the summer. Put it on your priority list. It doesn't have to be at the top! But it should be on the list. Why? Our mission to restore God's design in all people is too vital for the people of the Toledo Metro Area to put aside for 3 months. Shelly and I will flex with your availability..we'll mix and match and make it work!

Did you know that according to the Barna Research Group, summer is one of the key times people decide to visit a church? They will typically come once or twice in the summer to check it out. Then they start attending regularly in the fall. So I'm committed to making sure we have great services June-August.

Thanks so much for being on the team. Thanks for your generosity and willingness to serve. I'm honored to work with you and humbled by what God wants to do through us on Sundays. JIM

Monday, March 16, 2015

Volunteer Empowerment

I want to write today about a team dynamic that is very important for volunteer organizations like ours.

When I was just starting out in church ministry, I used to plead with people to serve on the team, or serve on a particular Sunday. I would appeal to our relationship, or to duty. I would often use this ploy to get people to serve. But fairly soon I realized that while leaning on friendship or obligation does work, it's not healthy for the team.

The truth is that volunteers and team leaders have different motivations and responsibilities. To be a healthy team, each person needs to be serving and leading from particular motives.

As a leader, I realized it's not my job to "fill spots." My job is to empower people to serve. I release people to give back to God the gifts and talent He gave them, and to use them for His purposes.

Empowering people to serve has two main aspects.

First, it's my responsibility to make sure our serving opportunities are accessible, reasonable, fun, and organized. Volunteering is hard enough with busy schedules, work, family, and other responsibilities. When someone volunteers to serve on the Creative Team, I want them to have a great and successful experience. I want their information and resources to be easily accessible in a reasonable time frame. I want rehearsals and performances to be well organized and efficient so nobody is wasting time.

Second, my job is to inspire. I need to remind the team often that their sacrifice of time and talent is making a difference in the lives of people. I need to remind them that the mission of Crossroads is vital and important, that it makes a dent in the world and it's worth being a part of it. Sometimes it's important to challenge team members to step up, to serve at their highest capacity, or to accept a new or deeper role.

But what about those who volunteer? Most of you reading this are volunteers...what is your motivation and responsibility?

I believe volunteers should serve out of a desire to give back to God the gifts and talents He gave them. Volunteers get pumped about the time they can spend being an active player in the mission and vision of the church. Toward that end, I feel volunteers have the following responsibilities:

1. Make time to serve. If serving is enjoyable, fun, challenging, and makes a difference in the world, it's worth carving out some time for it.
2. Be on time and prepared. These qualities are directly from the Creative Team core values and you can read more about them on the blog.
3. Create reasonable boundaries. Don't overserve...don't underserve. Serve regularly and consistently but not so much that you burn out. There are seasons- sometimes more serving is called for, sometimes less.
4. Protect the team. Build others up and encourage them to be their best. Don't deride or tear down other team members. Help the team by accepting or declining serving opportunities quickly, so all the roles are successfully filled in advance.

So, let me empower you right now- every time you serve at Crossroads, it's much more than just pushing a button, turning on a light, singing a note, or playing a chord. It's setting the stage for hundreds of people to encounter God in a fresh way each Sunday. My challenge to you is to serve out of the motivations and responsibilities listed above.

Together we'll keep the team strong, have a bunch of fun, and advance the mission of God through Crossroads! JIM